Come Fly With Us
The Greensboro Radio Aeromodelers (GRAMS) Club is made up of people just like you. We may be standing on the ground but our minds and imaginations are in the air. We love aviation!
If you are new to the hobby, you are starting off in a great way—research. Learning to fly radio control (RC) aircraft successfully is best done with help from resources like hobby shops and websites. They will point you to the most important resource of all—an instructor. There is a reason the trainers used by the Air Force have two seats! Using an instructor minimizes crashes and maximizes your education. You will learn more and have a lot more fun.
If you are an experienced flyer coming from another club or site, we hope you will find our club a good fit. Our club is more than 50 years old. We have a young site and continue to develop it into a nice sport facility. Our club is full of helpful, friendly members. We fly a lot of different aircraft using glow, gas, and electric power. We are helicopter- and 3D-flight friendly, too. We have builders, sport and competition pilots, and everything in between. You will be among friends!
GRAMS’ Club site is located among some neighbors, including a church. In order to keep the peace (and the field!), we do not allow any flying before 12:30pm on Sundays. Otherwise, flying activity is fairly open, including electric night flying. The field is in use nearly everyday, weather permitting. Check out the Club Rules on the website for more information.
Club Meetings
The membership of GRAMS meets the second Saturday of each month at 12:00 Noon and food is involved! We communicate meeting info using email, letters, and the website.
Club Dues
GRAMS Dues are $50 annually. We offer discounted fees for family memberships and junior memberships. Contact an officer or see our website for more information about joining GRAMS. You must hold a current AMA license to fly at GRAMS.
Join The Club
To join GRAMS, click Join The Club in the left navigation panel. Download the documents in the New Member Packet and follow the instructions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Vincent Daugherty, Club President, at vdawg13@hotmail.com or (785)209-0494.